The Sponsorship Experts is introducing The Sponsorship Playbook for BITEC BURI

The Sponsorship Playbook is a benchmarking tool developed by The Sponsorship Experts exclusively for BITEC BURI. The Playbook is an industry-leading benchmarking tool, setting the standard for effective sponsorship policy.

Developed exclusively for BITEC BURI, BITEC Live, BEAT Active and SAMA Garden, The Sponsorship Playbook outlines best practices for effective sponsorship, setting forth a comprehensive set of rules to help deliver best sponsorship practice through objectifying the sponsorship decision-making process.

Specifically, The Sponsorship Playbook comprises a set of tools to help source sponsors and partners in various tiers, understand and structure the sponsorship offers, activate the sponsorship in a meaningful way for both the sponsor and the rights holder, and evaluate the success of the sponsorship.

One of the focus areas of The Sponsorship Playbook is the naming rights of a sponsorship property, also called a Tier 1 sponsorship. Using data from ASN, Asia Sponsorship News, and closely tracking the sponsorship industry, a number of international naming rights sponsorship deals from 2022 were analysed to better understand the current sponsorship climate and the dynamics at play for various sponsorship.

In addition to the research above, The Sponsorship Experts also examined individual case studies of high profile naming rights sponsorship deals to identify best practices.

Based on the research and several case studies, the following key learnings were identified:

  • Naming rights is more than simply putting a name on a sponsorship property. In order to achieve the best result and lay the groundwork for a long and meaningful partnership, it is important to identify synergies and opportunities for activation and engagement.
  • In order for a naming rights sponsorship to realise its potential, it is important that the rights holder and the sponsor work together to achieve marketing objectives such as activating their sponsorship in different ways, including building customer loyalty. One example could be to offer special offers for the sponsor’s stakeholders and partners.
  • It can be useful to look at a naming rights sponsorship deal from a holistic perspective, taking in the various touch points in which the sponsorship could play out. One example could be transportation and infrastructure, or entertainment and food and beverage offerings.
  • At every turn, the rights holder and the sponsor should work together to enhance the user experience and benefit of the sponsorship, with a special focus on digitisation and digital activation. Data collection is an important part of that.
  • Community and cause play a large role in the consumers’ mind, and all stakeholders should make an effort to incorporate that into the sponsorship.

The Sponsorship Experts will use these and other learnings to ensure BITEC BURI is selecting and signing partnerships with sponsors and partners for the right reasons and thereby investing in stronger and long-term sponsor partnerships.

Paul Poole (South East Asia) Co., Ltd. is an independent marketing consultancy based in Bangkok, Thailand specialising in commercial sponsorship and partnership marketing, working with both rights holders and brands - acting as a catalyst by bringing them together and maximising the relationship.

We have packaged, sold and managed sponsorship and partnership opportunities for a wide range of rights holders and worked with many of the world’s leading brands to source and engage the right sponsorships and partnerships for them to maximise.

Please contact us for more information: Tel./Fax: +66 2622 0605 – 7 Email: